Early Learning Programs
170-300-0235 – Safe Water Sources
Key Requirements:
(2) An early learning provider must use a Washington state certified water laboratory accredited by the department of ecology to analyze drinking water to test the program water supply for lead and copper within six months of the date this section becomes effective. All fixtures used to obtain water for preparing food or infant formula, drinking, or cooking must be tested prior to licensing and at least once every six years. Testing must be done pursuant to current environmental protection agency standards. A copy of the water testing results must be kept on the licensed premises.
Note: If test results exceed EPA action level, additional steps will be required.
(3) If an early learning program space receives water from a private well, the well must comply with chapter 173-160 WAC, Minimum standards for construction and maintenance of wells.
(a) Well water must be tested at least once every twelve months for coliform bacteria and nitrates by a Washington state certified laboratory accredited by the department of ecology to analyze drinking water. To achieve desirable results the test must indicate:
(i) No presence of coliform bacteria; and
(ii) The presence of less than ten parts per million (ppm) for nitrates. If test results for nitrates are greater than five but less than ten ppm, the water must be retested within six month